Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
of Silicon Valley

Welcome to Sovereign Grace Baptist Church. Located in California's Silicon Valley, we are a congregation of baptized believers holding to the Doctrines of Grace, and who believe that God saves men and women and edifies His saints through doctrinal expository preaching. We welcome you to join us in person each Lord's day or to browse this site and discover preached sermons and theological literature that might further your knowledge of our Lord.

Attention: Starting on March 14th, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Silicon Valley will return to meeting in person at the property on West Edmondson at 25% capacity due to the potential health risks as a result of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). Streaming of the live services will continue each Lord's day for the 10AM and 11AM services.
Who We Are
Image of the SGBCSV building

Our church believes and preaches the gospel of the free and sovereign grace of God in the salvation of sinners, and seeks to gain the widest possible hearing for the truth of the Gospel. We further believe that an expository ministry which expounds the whole counsel of God is the only approach which consistently glorifies God in obedience to the gospel mandate. Finally, we hold that it is the clear mandate of God for the pastoral ministry to labor to bring every member to doctrinal and spiritual maturity for the glory of God.

We believe that biblical preaching is central to the life and worship of the church, and that God has ordained the public preaching of the Gospel as the major means of extending the kingdom in this economy. Believing in the work of the Holy Spirit through the truth in the convicting and converting of sinners, and that men are to be pointed to Christ and urged to faith and repentance in the context of gospel preaching.

In The Spotlight
Latest Messages
  • Sun. 09 Jun 2024 @ 11am

    by Pastor James Billings

  • Sun. 09 Jun 2024 @ 10am

    by Pastor Stephen Louis

  • Sun. 26 May 2024 @ 11am

    by Pastor Stephen Louis

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