Literature in the Spotlight

The Song of the Suffering Servant
Dr. Paul S. Nelson
192 pages

The Song of the Suffering Servant is a verse-by-verse practical exposition of Isaiah 53. This prophecy has long been referred to as the Gospel of Isaiah because it is the clearest and richest of all messianic prophecies given in the Old Testament. Moreover, it is the classic passage concerning the atonement of Christ; comprised of all the essential elements of this grand doctrine of Christianity. Christ’s fulfillment of Isaiah 53 is so precise that it reads more like a history than a prophecy. Every Christian should be well acquainted with this extraordinary passage of Scripture.

The book is a compilation of twenty-seven sermons preached on Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12 and is well suited for bible studies. The arrangement of each chapter is typically exegesis, exposition, doctrine, and practical observations.

You may order this book online from Lulu Press.