We have been commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ to "Teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you". To this end, we gather each Sunday during the day and on Wednesday nights to pray, fellowship and hear the word of God preached. We invite you to join us for one or more of the services listed below.

Sunday 10 am - Adult Service

Our morning adult service is currently engaged in a study of the book of 1 John. In this book, John, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, encourages his fellow believers to hold fast to the faith delivered to them from the apostles. This "apostle of love" also warns his flock concerning the purveyors of false gospels which have already become prevalent in the 1st century church. Our associate pastor Dr. Paul Nelson, preaches from this book, so that we can understand how to recognize and have fellowship with the truth in love.

Sunday 10 am - Children's Bible Study & Catechism Class
picture of catechism class

During the 10am adult service, we invite your children to attend our children's Bible study and catechism. Patterned after the excellent catechisms of history, the word of God and His grace in saving sinners is explained to the children in an understandable, interactive and faithful way. Our classes consist of children between the ages of 2 1/2 years and 14 years. Please come by and visit!

Sunday 11 am - Main Service
picture of main service

The Church at Corinth in the 1st century was beset with many of the issues plaguing our churches today. Many of the struggles the believers in this church dealt with can be clearly seen in our own society. Join us at 11am as Dr. Downing continues his series on 1 Corinthians "The Preaching of the Cross". You will find these messages encouraging and instructional as we learn how God, through his marvelous plan, saves sinners and brings them to maturity.

On the first Sunday of each month, the church sponsors a fellowship dinner following the main service. Vistors are encouraged to remain for a time of good food and fellowship.

Sunday 2 pm - Bible Study

Our 2pm Bible study focuses on examples of faithful men and women from both the old and New Testaments. Recently, we have been studying the "Life of Elijah" in 1 Kings. As believers, we learn that the trials, faith and blessings experienced by these men and women are no different from what believers have experienced throughout history. God is faithful and will save his people through faith in Jesus Christ no matter what circumstances we face.

Tuesday 7 pm - Prayer Meeting (San Jose)

For those living in the San Jose area, we also have a Bible Study and Prayer fellowship. Meeting in the homes of local believers, this provides a great atmosphere to worship our Lord and to meet with Him and other believers in prayer.

Wednesday 7 pm - Bible Study & Prayer Meeting

Our Wednesday night meeting is an excellent opportunity to join with other believers in fellowship and Prayer. After a brief Bible Study, we gather for prayer, sharing our faith and concerns in an atmosphere of reverent worship.